Abilities Build

- High CC
- Displacer
- Tanky
- Low Damage
- No escape
- can't 1v1
- Mana Hungry
Abilities Overview
Passive: Invigorate
Riktor gives nearby friendly heroes a +20 Attack Speed increase. This is one of the main reasons he is best as supporting.
LMB: Whip
Basic melee attack dealing Energy Damage. WARNING: Don't upgrade ever.
RMB: Shock Therapy
Once activated, next hit with Whip does Energy Damage and applies a Silence and Slow for 1.5/2/2.5 sec.
Q: Riplash
Long range chain whip that pulls enemies in if hit. Deals Energy Damage. Chain gets longer the higher its level. His bread and butter. Master this moves master the champ.
E: Electrocute
AOE around Riktor that does Energy Damage over 5s.
R: Skewer
Riktor targets a wedge in front of him and skewers that area dealing Energy Damage and applying a Stun for 1.3s. After the stun, Riktor rips his Skewers out dealing more Energy Damage.
Abilities Upgrade Priority
R > Q > RMB
Your ult is always a top priority, next comes your Q as this ability is what will enable you to make great plays in lane. After that is your RMB as it combos well with your Q and R. Lastly, is your E for some damage.
WARNING: "Don't upgrade your LMB your not an adc."
Abilities Combos
- Standard
Q-RMB-R This is your standard combo is you land your hook.
- Good positioning
R-RMB-Q This is if they are within ult range, you stun than silence the damage than Q them back when they try to run.
- Engaged upon
RMB-R-Q This is for if they decide to attack you like a Feng Mao. You start with a silence than a stun lastly, either more damage and a pull to help kill them or run away.
NOTE: Don't use your E early game as you don't have enough base mana to use it and the damage it gives is sadly very little.
Early Game
Early on your objective is to land your Q. But, be careful you you are Qing as a bad Q could get you or you laning partner killed. WARNING: just because you can Q doesn't mean you should. Along with this goes the responsibilities of taking the far right harvester (Unlocks at 6 min), warding the camo pool, and in general keeping your ADC safe.
Mid Game
During this time (When 2 turrets are down) you'll see team fights start to happen. This is when it is important to know your role in the fight. First is use your ult at the start as it will give your team a huge advantage in the fight. Next, save your Q for when someone like Feng Mao or Kalari jumps on their face.
Late Game
Your late game is the same as mid game but there will be more teamfights so be prepared. Always stay with the champion doing the most damage and keep them safe.
Gameplay(Still Testing)
Card Build
This build is built around being an absolute tank and Qing as many people as possible. Also, he is very mana hungry so to counter this make sure to buy the mana pots and also i put some mana regen in the build.
The Items
This item is vital as it is your supporting item, as your in charge of warding in major areas and objectives. This item was picked because it gives you some mana, cooldown reduction, and health. You should upgrade it last though as it gives you no upgrade bonus. Upgrade with 2 Greater Health so it takes longer to die and 1 Advanced Chrono for cooldowns.
This card is special as it gives no tanky stats, but i put it in this build to help with viktor's wombo combo and to make use of his intelligence attribute as a support. There are no upgrades as mana regen isn't that great.
This is a 3 cost card power item that gives you the stats of 4 card power when fully upgraded. This is also the best Energy Armor item in the game right now. Upgrade with 3 Health. This is so as to get the fully upgraded bonus fast.
This card is a 4 card cost but gives you the stats of a 5 cost when fully upgraded. I choose this one for the great cooldown it gives you and more cooldown means more Q's and plays to be made. Likewise it gives physical armor which is vital to any tank. The upgrades is an obvious 3 Guards so more tank as you max cooldowns already thus no need for cooldown upgrades.
This card is a 4 card cost but gives you the stats of a 5 cost when fully upgraded. I choose this one for the great cooldown it gives you and more cooldown means more Q's and plays to be made. Likewise it gives energy armor which is vital to any tank. The upgrades is an obvious 3 Greater Barrier so more tank as you max cooldowns.
This card is a 4 card cost but gives you the stats of a 5 cost when fully upgraded. I choose this one for the great cooldown it gives you and more cooldown means more Q's and plays to be made. Likewise it gives physical armor which is vital to any tank. The upgrades is an obvious 3 Guards so more tank as you max cooldowns already thus no need for cooldown upgrades.
What it gives you:
Health: 4350
Energy Armor: 333.1
Physical Armor: 311.1
Cooldown Reduction: 40%
Mana Regen: 2.7
Mana: 490
Champion Counters
Weak against
Dekker is a high poke champion. She will use her range and abuse you all laning phase. Play passively and try to look for a way to isolate her. If she runs out of mana that is you oppurtunity to get her but till than play safe and try not to get caught out. Difficulty: 8
Gagdet is a long rang ehigh poke champion who will zone you out continuously though her bomb. Because of this and your limited range she will easily be able to push you out of lane. Best way to face her is try to wait for her to waste her mana or wait for her to over step than pull her in. Difficulty: 9
Muriel is a relatively easier target as she doesnt do too much damage though she is still ranged and thus can poke you out. But, if you manage to get a hold of her than she's doomed as she has no escape to speak of. Difficulty: 5
Strong Against
Steel is an easy match up
if he goes in on you than you counter him by silencing him and making sure he can't get away with your Q. The only thing he has to counter you is his projectile blocking shield but having faced him i can tell you your ult still hits him through the shield and also your melee so it will be even less effective. Difficulty: 2
Rampage is an easy lane phase if he goes support. This is due mainly to how if you ult at the right time or silence at the right time his ult gets voided and he becomes just another squishy champ for you and you ADC to pick off. Difficulty: 1
Sevarog is an easy early lane if he goes support as he is very stack dependant. Thus he can't dish out the damage needed to counter you in lane. But, come lane game he can indeed 1v1 you and win. Difficulty: 3
Grux does a high amount of damage but only if allowed to do so over time thus, if you can catch him out of position than you and you ADC can melt him but in a 1v1 you'll always lose. Difficulty: 5
Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers
Q: Why build Riktor tanky?
A: Because he has great tanky stats and low scaling on his abilities.
If any of my guides get to 5 upvotes i'll put in a vs section on who hes good against
Very nice. Upvoted.
Awesome build to start with. Thanks for it.
your welcome i appreciate the support
i have another support guide if you want to look into it.
Shoot yea any info helps.
Two questions.
1- Why build him tank? I know you say it's because he has low damage scaling but so does Steel and he's OP when built DpS.
2- Why Quantum Casing and Etherweave Mesh? They cost 4 CP each but the 22 Armor and 5 CDR only amount to 3 CP worth of value.
your right but when maxing out the card and getting the bonus it comes out to 5 cp value with 22 armor and 10cdr
as for why i build him tank, i feel most comfortable building him tank. i mean anyone can build him damage but he was meant to be built as a tank. as said by paragon themselves.
@Feenyx, i hope that answers you questions. Building him tank is really what he was meant for but it all comes down to how you like playing and i love playing undying tanks.
Oh whoops, I thought maxed was +2.5% CDR.
@Feenyx, if u want i could make another build for damage Riktor
i have no problem making a 2 build guide one for dps and one for tank.
I would like to see a damage one even though I do like this tank build.
What should i use instead of Shockwave if i dont have that card yet :(`??
@Namrak, there is no other card like that with CC effect. You might want to go get some additional HP if you got for tank build or get some more Energy damage.
@Namrak (not verified), here's a few: plasma channel, barrier of will, and infinity stream. Don't upgrade any of those. If you don't have any of those than a tempered plate with 3 lesser health upgrades would work.
THanks ill try those out, just used 120k Rep on Intellect card :/
@Namrak (not verified), Why so much lol????
To get that damn card :(