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Sprinting and Cards

Blackveiled's picture

Im not sure if its a lag issue but it might be, and its putting me at a severe disadvantage in the game.  I sprint and then my character slows down to a walking pace out of my control.  This has left me in many situations dying because I cant run away from the opposing team, my character slows down way too much and just makes me easy to pick off.  This also happens when im just running in general.  Ill be walking, and enter sprinting mode and ill be sprinting at the same pace as my walking, or sometimes drastically slower.

Also, I suggest making an "Are you sure?" question in the card selections too because I've had a couple games where I mistakenly pressed the wrong button and lost an item completely impeding my progress from continuing in a match.

George's picture

@Blackveiled, HI there. The 1st paragraph looks like a bug. Have you tried reporting it in game using Settings -> Report a Bug?

Anonymous's picture