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Iggy & Scorch quick start

George's picture

Folks, we are having Iggy and Scorch coming or way soon. What I'd like to suggest is a quick focused effort on making up a One-Stop guide for this new Hero. We can possibly split up our efforts and concentrate on different builds then combine them inside a guide in multiple sections.

We can sync up on who's gonna try what right in that guide. Questions comments?

@George, Its a good idea, and naturally I think we all will kinda pool our thoughts together. But at least now here we have a spot where we can throw ideas at each other before we dive into the guide.

Looking at his abilitys, I think he will be a caster that we all wanted Gadget to be. The lane bully with turrets. Of course we don't know how his scaling will be. But we can guess that his autos won't do as much as murdock. He will be the first AOE ranged attack champion that does damage over time. We shall see how this pans out. I for one will be grinding him like crazy as he seems like a fun champion.

George's picture

Folks. it's time to rock. Add what you come up with after playing this hero.


I really don't have much time to play right now. Also Iggy and Scorch are far away from the playstyle I prefer, so I don't even want to play the guy. But if I have time and they release something I like to play, I'll be contributing for sure.

George's picture

@Deevo, Deal!

Anonymous's picture