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Sevarog the Untouchable

Cards Sequence: 
Early Farm
Early Damage/Speed/Health
Buff Armor depending on opponents
More damage and sustain

sevarog the untouchable .

damage/health/attack speed/life speed/Armor.

Deck strategy overview.

Remeber to get rid of the health potion , mana potion and key by level 5 you do not need them after !!! 

The main core of this deck is three stats .

damage , health, lifesteal , attack speed . 

You want to be hitting very quickly and with decent damage to sustain from lifesteal as fast as possible. With the health buffs from Swiftcreek heart aswell as your siphon stacks your HP will be massive end game without lots of health investment therefore your have good damage amazing attack speed and lifesteal to be able  to tank and do damage , even push towers on your own with ease. This is a dangerous deck but needs to be used correctly with experience using sevarog . I rarely die using this deck and have gone 10-0 , 12-0 , 15-0 numerous times . 

Opponents to watch out for. 


Do not go 1on1 with a high damage Khameria  reason being they can out heal you with there passive . Unless they aren't well fed , low level , low health and a newb . Avoid 1on1 confrontations . 


Greystone can be hard to take down if it's building lots of Armor and health . Also it's ultimate usually means it's not worth the chase as he will run closer to his teammates . Watch for the eyes on the back of his Armor if they are not lit up he had not got his refordged ready so you can attack ! 


A good player with a well built deck rampage can be tricky his ultimate can out heal you . Also he usually will be running a lot of armour meaning your damage won't be breaking much of his HP. Usually your attack speed will win you the fight .

Most other fighters are very easy to play against just be clever , root and dash when you know it's safe to retreat after a kill . Go with your team to fight don't always go alone as ADC's will melt you if your 1v1 in melee . 

Remember to attack minions to get your health back . Always single out and root the enemy ADC's, use your ultimate to throw away the melee's. And concentrate on the squishy targets  

Summary (TLDR)

Strengths: High level of sustain due to siphon and health cards. Great abilities for chase and rooting, ganking made easy. Ultimate perfect for early mid defense throwing into towers. Overall great sustain and damage with lifesteal and health can stay in fight longer. 

Weaknesses: Slow, not as fast to melt targets compared to other melee heroes. Slow to farm at start. Comes to life mid game. Big hit box. 

Abilities Overview

sevarog has amazing abilities and using this build makes each ability more versatile when it comes to fights . You want to upgrade your siphon as much as possible because this will guarantee last hits on minions and grant you the stacks which is needed for this deck . Next comes your root O button. This ability is perfect for rooting escaping enemies and when paired with your dash R1 not many enemies will get away after a successful gank. Next is your ultimate this is an awesome ultimate to have in your arsenal can be used to knock enemies into your towers , knock enemies away from fragile team mates or even save your own ass from getting killed. Upgrade priorty. Square, Circle,R1,Triangle 

Abilities Combos

When Ganking Early to mid game make use of your root and dash to guarantee kills on enemies . be careful  make sure you can use it to get to opponent and get back before you get outnumbered. Using ultimate to hit into your tower then root is also a good combo . 

Early Game

Early game run to that jungle ! Hit as many white minions that you can also go help lane for cxp but don't push too far . Farm until you get your windcarver blade then you can go back access harvesters and take on red and blue camps. Remember use that siphon! You want to be aiming for atleast 20-70 stacks per game . 20 at the very least . Your learn to get the minions in range for a successful siphon and should become second nature after a while . Early game can give oppurntites for a gank just make sure you have enough distance to get back before execution. 

Mid Game

Mid game is where sevarog shines his ultimate can foil plans of a tower takedown  , he can defend attack or jungle gank . Up to you and your playstyle . At this stage you should be doing enough damage to make the squisheis scared to wait for the right oppurntites to gank. Wait for that cocky sparrow to push up fly out the jungle root and make sure to get siphon on the last hit ;) 

Late Game

Late game you should have enough stacks to become a beast . Your lifesteal and attack speed is enough to heal you very easily . Just hit minions if your low on health and continue pressing the enemy . You can go back into enemies jungle to try look for gank or destroy there minions and harvesters . Usually in team fights at this stage they will focus on your heavy hitting ADC's it's your job to protect use your ultimate to chuck them away and body block when you can . Support your teammates and go jungle to look for ganks on squishes. 

Card Build

The main aspects of this deck are attack speed health and lifesteal. You want to max out a windcarver blade ASAP to give you the damage and speed to take on jungle minions quicker . After you can buff your health with Swiftcreek heart that also gives you attack speed . When you feel your doing enough damage get Thirstfang this will now make you a monster with decent health and damage your be able to win most 1v1. Make sure to use the correct Armor or both depending on the enemy players . Bloodthirsty Armor is an essential as it will bleed the other players aswell as give you the Armor to make you tanky . Use another windcarver with strikes in if you want more damage. If you want more health just use more swiftcreek heart. 

End Game stats should be : 

3500+ health 

100-120 damage 

0 crit chance 

200 attack speed 

56 lifesteal . 


Jungling is easy with this build just max out your windcarver and as soon as you get Thirstfang  maxed you can solo the orb prime that motherfucker is ezzzzzz. Just focus on white minions to begin and use your health potion and you can solo red and blue . Also go get harvesters if your team is being lazy. 


severaog can always help assist with laning offensively and defensively . If with a team mate they will be scared to push up because of your root and quick engage and they won't like getting hit Into your own towers either . Severaog has a prenscence and used correctly can make opponents very frustrated in lane. 


the best part of this set Ganking ! Ganking is so easy with this build , doing good damage and attack speed , squishes that ain't got no health or Armor will melt so quickly . Use your root effectively to stop a fleeing target . And dash to engage quicker or disengage . If outnumbered or getting ganked back . Just click that ultimate baby , just make sure to time it right . Nothing more satisfying going 15-0 , a khameria thinking he got his first kill on you then you just swipe him way into the jungle and you retreat back to your jungle ! 


Frequent questions that may appear while playing this build and your answers

  1. Q: this build not tanky enough ? 
    A: severaog in my opinion should be more Offense orientated his abilities March this . Why would a tank need a root and a dash ?  With Swiftcreek heart + siphon stacks + Armor of each type + lifesteal sustain is enough tanky to sustain aswell as hurt! 

  2. Q: why lifesteal ? 
    A: lifesteal is overlooked on severaog but is used effectively with the right build . You can solo prime on your own after you max it out and enemies won't know what to do when your hitting them so fast but healing too already on top of massive health. Late game and with 70 stacks you can hold of 4 enemy heroes with ease.

Simone's picture

@Telfer_91_, I'm trying to add the cards up but I can't. Please help me. After adding cards from "Early Damage/Speed/Health" and "Buff Armor depending on opponents" I have only one equipment slot with 7 CP left. So what's next?

Hi Simone I forgot to mention you need to get rid of mana potion , harvester key , and health potion by level 5 . Use the remaining card slots for the upgrades depending on your situation. if you require more stopping power go Windcarver , more tank go Swiftcreek. More Armor go energy or physical depending on opponents . 

Simone's picture

@Telfer_91_, sure, I didn't take potions into an account since the final build is what I need.

I appreciate your comment but the card points still does not add up to 60. If I follow the build presented above I have Windcarver (10) + Heart (11) + Greenweave (9) + Bloodsoaked (9) + Thirstfang (14) = 53 CP

I see no any option in the guide to fill in an equipment card for 7 CP. Am I missing something? :)

Sorry Simone I forgot to add the extra card . I have added it now and all the cards will now add up to 60cxp. Thankyou for finding this out for me . Hope you enjoy the guide and it helps you! 

Anonymous's picture