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GRIM.exe & Glorius Leader George

Kizr's picture

So I was lucky enough to get a game in last night (hectic few weeks with work) and gave GRIM.exe a whirl to see how he plays and feels. After waiting 45 minutes I find out that none other than George is in the game with me which was nice, and he performed a hell of a lot better than me! :P

Long story short, we crushed the opposition, on every front, they were just walking to their deaths half the time lol.

Anyway, how do you guys recommend building GRIM.exe? I've hit a blank with the int/cor deck cross to be honest and ended up going with 3 Riftmagus Scepter, Sorcerer's Ward, Plasma Channel, whirling wand and a Wand of Agora, though it was getting strong by the time they surrendered I felt a little weak early game, granted I did forget to take my starting items so it might be that.

What have you had success with?

As for your question George, I think he's pretty cool... I'm still digging that Feng Mao kill from a different lane with my ultimate, me and my partner both squealed with delight over that one. His kit is really strong, but he's a lot more mana dependant that Murdoch and he's super squishy despite his appearance.

Kizr's picture

Correction, "Wand of Agora" should have been "Agoran Scepter" I don't even know where I was going with that.

George's picture

@Kizr, yep I saw how he suffers from Gideon's hits early game... so probably yet another glass cannon. I haven't touched this Centry yet but planning to do so today.

I think I'll be looking for DMG + AS + Crit and then LifeSteal for the 1st couple of games with 12 CP into DMG 1st and then going 2-1-1 into DMG-AS-Crit finishing it with 20-30% of LS.



Hope to see you again in a group ;)

Kizr's picture

@George, that sounds like a solid plan, my mistake was the lack of damage boosting items to begin with, I had a Sorcerer's Ward to start, which was allowing my AA's to hit for 46ED. So his base attack is fairly low and due to his card affinities he doesn't have access to any 15.15ED or 2 cost cards.

I'm not sure that was the wrong way to go as such, but I'd probably take that as my second item due to the fact there's no upgrade bonus (but it does give us life steal, pen and damage). No, what I'd do now is start off with a Wellspring Staff, then fill that with 3 x Cast. I don't think the standard Health Potion, Mana Potion, Scout's Ward will really benefit him as it'll leave you with next to no AA damage and he has so little health & mana that it seems pointless to bother with potions, his lane presence is going to be weak but I think he'll really benefit from having a support in-lane with him.

It's a hard one, it feels like we're missing a few cards in the Intellect/Corruption affinity cross, to be honest.

I'm going to send you a friend request tonight through Paragon if you'd honor me by accepting, you played a lot better than me and I was embarrassed xD

George's picture

@Kizr, Sure I'll accept with pleasure.

BTW, don't you want to sum up your current build as a guide? Probably it will not be final one but you can anyway cover the abilities and their use etc. I know it's kinda early since GRIM release but it's a good starting point to receive feedback. Up to you though.

Kizr's picture

@George, awesome, I'll send it to you when I get online today <3

I would do that but I want to give someone who'll be maining GRIM.exe a chance to write a guide first, I'll probably play around with him but my I&S guide is going to be my main focus :P

That and my new guide that I've started working on of course, though I appreciate the sentiment!



George's picture

@Kizr, according to my calculations GRIM is really close to Murdock. If talking about maximum DPS this robot has pretty similar priority for Crit and Attack Speed nearly without a preference contrary to what TB or Sparrow have.

Anonymous's picture