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Gadget Tips

This page describes how to play with Gadget in general. How to reach your maximum potential with Gadget no matter who you are playing against.
until they fix her base damage and scaling, dont pick her she's pretty awful throughout the game. Abilities too unreliable for the damage she does.
Gadget is a monster mid to late game and should be handled as a threat at all times. I admit her early game is decent, but her ult can change games so fast and her snowball potential is great. Focus on farming and always play defensive. Do not worry about getting kills because once you get farmed up nicely, you will be the main factor of winning or losing the game. As far as support, she makes an excellent support as well albeit her kit lacks heals. She has great potential as far as setting up ganks, CC, and separating the entire enemy team for faster picks. She does have a high learning curve as far as mastering her, but once you do, the reward is knowing that she is the secret nuke support.
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