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Dekker is weak against Grux

This page shows in what ways Dekker is weak against Grux. Or in other words what actions should Dekker do to receive minimal damage from Grux.
Note: any hero isn't always strong or weak against another one. It depends on many different factors so please keep that in mind while adding your tip.
When Grux activates his ability that pulls you towards him, jumping before the attack hits will not prevent him from pulling you in. If you're facing in the direction opposite to Grux's ability, use your jump to get away from his ability range. If you're facing him directly, try using statis bomb to prevent his ability from executing. If stasis bomb is on cooldown, you have two additional options: 1) Use your Slow Bubble and cast it so that it's far end falls right in front of Grux. This way he'll have to go through the whole length of the ability if he chooses to pursue you. 2)Use your ULT and place the near end of it right in front of Grux. He'll be trapped and you'll be able to retreat.
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