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Sparrow and Sevarog

This page shows how to achieve maximum results while playing Sparrow with Sevarog in pair. What abilities of both heroes have the biggest synergy and what tactical actions can deal maximal damage to enemies
Sparrow is rather squishy and does not have good escape. Sevarog can root, slow, bodyblock, pursue, and has a knockback so good it lets other characters know how Rampage feels when he flies through the air. Sevarog also has a durability stat of 10, effectively making him the tankiest character on paper. Sevarog's undying will, epic peels and pursuit ability make for a grand compliment to Sparrows high AOE and Direct Damage. These two can mow down lanes with AOE and cleave combos, allowing Sevarog to last hit groups of minions to quickly gain stacks. One fault is that they are all physical, so phys pen and phys armor can somewhat counter this, but dont rely on it or youll take a few arrows to the knee and lose your souls in the process.
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