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Looking for more PC Players!

LagSpike's picture

Are you playing by yourself? Are you looking for casual play( vs. AI) or completive (vs. Players)? Communication issues with no in game voice chat? Enough is Enough. Join us in team speak at This is no ordinary "Clan". Ethix Gaming Community is a multi gaming, multi national gaming "community". We support games like League, Call of Duty, DayZ, H1Z1 and The Division to name a few. We are currently looking for  PC players 18+ that are playing Paragon. This is not a recruitment statement. This is just somewhere you can go and play with other casual/competitive gamers 18+. So join us in team speak and lets play.

Thanks to introduce you community, I will come soon to play with you !

George's picture

BTW we are launching an LFG service. Check it out.

Anonymous's picture