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The devs seem to be listening so.....

LonGo_music's picture

That's great! Refreshing to see a game actually listen and implement suggestions from the community. This game is really dope(never played any game of this nature prior)  and I've been gaming it a lot. Just wanna throw a few suggestions out there.

-biggest "complaint" starts with a compliment, the strategy ability if heros is very well balanced! But Sparrows passive ability is a bit too much. I.E. I play with Rampage a lot, had her backed into a corner strike after strike face to face, she killed me and I had about 3/4 health to her half at the start. That's not ok, she's a range player, if she gets corned in Cqc, that's HER fault. But that ability saved her. It should be altered to "consecutive shots without taking damage" 

George's picture

@LonGo_music, hi there. To me personally Sparrow isn't as overpowered as it might seem to be. The example you provided is interesting though. Rampage alone is not a good damage dealer. He's damage "absorber" especially with his Enrage. But it's unlikely I have ever seen this guy bringing a lot of rangers on his own.

I'd suggest you to more stick to one of your carries making sure they do enough damage to the enemy team.

LonGo_music's picture

Appreciate your feedback! I probably should've mentioned that my hand is designed to counter his lack of attack. I use a lot of kinetics and strikes, I had my hand pretty leveled up, that's mainly why I felt I should address the issue

George's picture

Hum... It is hard to tell since I'm not playing Rampage. My understanding from the opposite side of the view (by playing against this dark-green beast) is that even investing into attack speed and damage does not go pretty well for this Hero if playing solo.

Here is what I think. You could make share your hand in builds'n'guides section with a short explanation of what you see as pros and cons of that build. Community can discuss it better having more specific information.

Anonymous's picture