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Abilities of TwinBlast

Type Name Description
LMB Doubleshot

Twinblast fires shots from his blasters, alternating hands with each shot when the button is held.

RMB Rocket Dash

Twinblast briefly ignites his evasion thrusters, rapidly propelling him in the direction he is facing.

Q Nitro

Passive: Twinblast has increased attack speed.

Active: Activating Nitro increases Twinblast's attack speed bonus for a short period of time.

E Grenade!

Twinblast fires a grenade to a target location. After a short delay the grenade explodes dealing damage and slowing enemies.

R Barrage

Twinblast's guns transform into cannons, which auto fire rocket salvos for a short time causing bonus damage and piercing through enemy minions.