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Wiki cards database

ja785y's picture

lots of cards appear to be missing from this sites list, is it possible for me to add them in?

George's picture

@ja785y, only the newest cards are missing and will be added shortly. Thank you for suggesting your help, I'll keep in mind.

Meanwhile, do you feel like adding a hero guide? ;)

ja785y's picture

id be glad to, but  i'm still learning the majority of paragons strategy, so it would likely be more build-centric then anything, ill give it a shot tho!

George's picture

@ja785y, deal! :)

James's picture

What exactly in Paragon is considered a (UNIT) is it a unit or group of minions? That's what I would guess but just needed some help with it.

George's picture

@James, my guess is the same. Including each jungle camp minion

Anonymous's picture