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Can we have this feature?


I just edited an older guide from myself and noticed that I can't add card sequences where I want, but only at the bottom of my build. Would it be possible to add a sequence at any point? Or maybe move new Sequences more up?

George's picture

@Deevo, we were looking into this a while back and now the main idea seems to get rid of current way to create Cards sequences or decks. Instead we are going to pilot adding build decks as a short-codes right inside the guide at any place. Pretty similar to how you insert abilities images.

What do you think about this?

@George, well if I understand that correctly, that would give me the ability to add more than 1 Itembuild per Guide? For example a low-budget guide and a better-item-choice build? Do you plan on creating a new way of making decks? Or implement it from another site?

George's picture

@Deevo, yes. Basically you'll not be limited by anything a deck will be just a part of your guide's text so you'll be able to add as many cards and variants as possible.

With the amount of cards we have in the game already and the announced hundreds of cards in the future I see to few reasons in sticking to declaring a specific deck. They should be defined in a more general way to enable more people to use them even if they do not have certain cards yet.

@George, I just added a tip to play against murdock as twinblast, but it seems to be too long to be displayed correctly. You might to want to look into this.

George's picture

@Deevo, Thanks, I'll take it from here

Anonymous's picture